Francis Underwood Responds to Gitmo Plan

Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., is pulling out a secret weapon to drum up opposition to President Barack Obama’s plan to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: President Francis Underwood.
The speaker’s office released animated GIFs on Wednesday with the fictional “House of Cards” POTUS played by Kevin Spacey entitled, “President Underwood Responds to President Obama.”
The first is an Underwood eye-roll at “When President Obama claims his plan to close Gitmo is not dangerous.”
That’s followed by a questioning look at “When President Obama claims his plan to close Gitmo is bipartisan.”
Underwood is then exasperated in response to “When President Obama claims his plan to close Gitmo has a chance.”
Finally, there’s the Underwood smirk as he closes a door under the caption: “President Underwood is right on this one. President Obama should join him — and the majority of Congress — in closing the door on any plan that would move terrorist detainees to American soil.”
This series of GIFs is under Ryan’s “House of Ideas” banner, which he revealed on Friday when the fourth season of the Netflix show was released.
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