Democrats Win If GOP Bucks Voters’ Choice, Pelosi Says
House minority leader says Republican Party will implode if nominee doesn't have popular support

Republicans could secure a Democratic victory in November if they have a contested convention and ultimately select a nominee who hasn’t won popular support, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.
“If they reject the public will, they will really hand us an even bigger victory than I’m even anticipating now because that will be an implosion of the Republican Party,” the California Democrat said during her weekly news conference.
Pelosi’s comments on the Republican nomination came after she was asked about the contest for the Democratic nomination and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ effort to persuade super delegates to support him.
Pelosi, who is a super delegate, has not yet endorsed a candidate in the race but has made several comments indicating her support for front-runner Hillary Clinton. Pelosi said she doubts that super delegates will decide the race.
“The person who wins in the public arena will be our nominee, regardless of the super delegates,” Pelosi said.
Pelosi has long opposed the super delegate system, which gives elected leaders and party activists votes at the convention, along with delegates chosen through primaries and caucuses.
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