Video: Carly Fiorina Didn’t Fall That Far, Cruz Not a Monster
A second video sheds new light on Fiorina's fall
Carly Fiorina got off to a strong start as a newsmaker for the Cruz campaign Sunday when her apparent tumble from a stage in La Porte, Indiana, first shared by popular conspiracy site InfoWars, went viral. And one reason the internet loved it was that the internet loves to hate Ted Cruz.
[Related: The Pollster Who Asked Whether Ted Cruz Is The Zodiac Killer]
Here’s Ted Cruz pretending he doesn’t see Carly Fiorina fall off a stage , said Jezebel’s The Slot. Watch Carly Fiorina do a face-plant off a stage while Ted Cruz ignores her , Raw Story entreats you.
But a new video shared by Mediaite dumps cold water on the whole thing. Though Fiorina looks at first to be plummeting through a trap door to certain injury, a second angle reveals nothing more than an awkward stumble off of a riser. Ted Cruz doesn’t appear to be able to see her fall, and she’s up hugging Heidi Cruz moments later. As with the Zodiac Killer sensation/joke, those who don’t like Ted Cruz (which includes most senators) can get pretty excited over anything that puts him in a negative light.
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