Trump Mentions Twitter Account With Pro-Roy Moore Posts
User has retweeted criticisms of GOP candidate’s accusers
One of the Twitter accounts President Donald Trump shared with his 42.7 million followers on Wednesday has posted regularly defending embattled Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore.
Back from his Asia trip for just a few hours, Trump rose early Wednesday morning and resumed his morning Twitter habit before 6 a.m. EST. He touted what he called in two tweets his “successful trip,” labeled CNN a “Loser!,” and thanked several followers who had praised him.
One of latter is a big backer of Moore, whom the president has stopped short of urging to drop out of his Senate race amid allegations of sexual misconduct and assault.
At 5:53 a.m., Trump wrote this to an account with the username Sheldon_Wiggill and the handle @Capetown_Eagle: “Thank you, working hard!” The user had written this about Trump: “Best President Ever!”
Thank you, working hard!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2017
Most recently, the account on Monday retweeted conservative internet commentator Bill Mitchell’s criticism of three of the women who have raised allegations against Moore.
According to 3 of Moore’s accusers, Moore never made any sexual advances on them other than a kiss, but with this new Allred woman, he attempts violent rape in a parking lot? BS.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 13, 2017
The account also retweeted another conservative internet host, Wayne Dupree, who slammed congressional GOP members for “selling Roy Moore down the river without proof.”
Congress Republicans are selling Roy Moore down the river without proof; leadership believes allegations b4 research
— Wayne Dupree (@WayneDupreeShow) November 14, 2017
The account retweeted three other Mitchell tweets that raised doubts about one of the women’s stories about her alleged interactions with Moore.
What are the chances that Moore would sign a 16 year old’s yearbook with his name, date and title, then attempt to rape the girl and leave her lying on the ground behind her restaurant? He is putting himself at the place of the crime ON PURPOSE???!
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 15, 2017
So Moore not only signed this yearbook, he gave his title (which wasn’t actually his title) and dated it all the while changing pens?
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 15, 2017
On the Roy, Ray or whoever the hell it was, signature in the yearbook, it looks like everything AFTER “Ray” was written by a woman. 7’s are very telling. You don’t write normal 7’s and loopy 7’s.
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) November 15, 2017
Shortly before Trump’s first Wednesday tweet, @Capetown_Eagle echoed a big theme of Moore’s campaign when the user went after congressional GOP leaders and pledged allegiance to Moore.
On one side we have @MooreSenate . On the other we have John Mcain, Lindsay Graham, Micth McConnel, Paul Ryan. I know who I stand with.
— Sheldon_Wiggill (@Capetown_Eagle) November 15, 2017
The president and his top aides are walking a tightrope on whether Moore should drop out. If he does, it very well could hand Democrats an unlikely seat in the Senate from a deeply red Southern state.
Trump was asked about Moore and allegations of sexual misconduct — and whether he should drop out of his Alabama Senate race — on Saturday in Asia by reporters on Air Force One. Trump tried to change the subject, did not call for Moore to step aside, and repeated a statement issued by his spokeswoman about expecting Moore to do the “right thing” if the allegations are true.
Watch: Who in Congress Is Pushing Roy Moore to Drop Senate Bid?
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“I have not seen very much about him, about it. And you know I put out a statement yesterday that he’ll do the right thing,” Trump said after stammering about how much television he watches and having been busy with the president of China as the allegations surfaced.
The White House tiptoeing around the matter continued Sunday morning, when Trump’s top liaison to Congress also declined to say definitively that the former judge should step aside.
Moore needs to better explain the allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor, White House legislative affairs director Marc Short said on “Meet the Press.” But he did not call for Moore to drop out.
“There’s no Senate seat more important than the notion of child pedophilia Chuck, I mean that’s reality,” Short said. “But having said that, he has not been proven guilty. We have to afford him the chance to defend himself.”
Moore has done just that, saying he never knew one of his accusers while trying to cast the entire matter as a Democratic plot with media outlets helping fan the flames. He also has used it to cast establishment Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as out to get him; both McConnell and Speaker Paul D. Ryan have said the allegations are credible and called for Moore to drop out.