Corker Still Trying to Find ‘Yes’ on Tax Overhaul
Sen. Bob Corker said Tuesday he is still working with the White House to try to revise the GOP tax bill in a way that could bring him on board.
The Tennessee Republican — who voted against the tax legislation on Saturday morning, citing concerns over the potential impact on the deficit — was the only Republican defection.
Since that vote, Corker has spoken with President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and White House chief economic advisor Gary Cohn, and provided suggestions on how, in his view, to improve the bill.
“We never stopped working,” Corker said. “Tax reform has been something that I’ve long hoped to be a part of and I’m still hopeful that’s going to be the case here.”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday the chamber would vote later this week to go to conference with the House on the tax measure.
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