Rep. Scott Taylor Behind $11,842 in Property Taxes
Spokesman says Virginia Republican rep was distracted by campaigning and House business

Virginia Rep. Scott Taylor is $11,842 behind in property taxes, interests and penalty charges for his rental properties in Norfolk and Virginia Beach.
An analysis of city and property tax records by The Virginian-Pilot found that Taylor, who is a real estate investor, was delinquent for six rental houses, a duplex and a vacant lot in Norfolk and a townhouse in Virginia Beach.
The accumulating bills were sent every three months since last fall. But Taylor was up to date on taxes for a second townhouse.
Taylor’s spokesman Scott Weldon told the newspaper that Taylor was preoccupied with being a congressman and his primary this month and the Virginia Republican paid the overdue bills on Wednesday.
“He got busy with everything going on. … It slipped his mind,” Weldon said. “I think he just got caught up with everything in Washington. All the traveling and the primary and everything. It was just a lapse. … That’s what he said to me.”
But as of Thursday, Norfolk’s treasurer had not received payment. And no payment had been recorded for Virginia Beach by Thursday, but City Treasurer John Atkinson said payments received that day wouldn’t be processed until after business hours.
The Virginian-Pilot was first contacted by American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic political action committee that conducts opposition research. The newspaper independently verified the delinquencies.
Most of Taylor’s Norfolk homes are older structures built in the first half of the 20th century and are collectively assessed at $928,700, according to Norfolk property records. The Virginia Beach residencies are valued at $130,000 and $130,800.