Hunter Opponent Calls Him an ‘Embarrassment’ in New Ad
Ammar Campa-Najjar uses Hunter’s indictment in ad to air on cable

Rep. Duncan Hunter’s Democratic opponent calls the indicted California Republican “an embarrassment” in an ad launched Wednesday.
The new ad by Ammar Campa-Najjar’s campaign cites Hunter’s indictment, where he is accused of spending $250,000 in campaign contributions for personal use.
“Every citizen has a responsibility to read this indictment,” the ad says, calling it “47 pages of corruption and greed.”
In particular, the ad says Hunter was “defrauding wounded warriors” by saying he was buying golf balls for them while actually buying shorts for himself.
More infamously, the ad also hits Hunter for trying to justify using campaign contributions for a family trip to Italy by visiting a Naval base.
When he couldn’t get a tour there, the indictment said Hunter said “tell the Navy to go f— themselves.”
“It’s unethical and illegal,” the ad says. “He’s an embarrassment.”
Hunter and his wife Margaret were indicted last week and pleaded not guilty at their arraignment.
The California Republican, who succeeded his father in the congressional seat, said previously the indictment is politically motivated.
The Associated Press reported the ad will air next week on CNN and MSNBC.
Despite the charges, a poll conducted after Hunter’s indictment showed him with a 9-point lead over Campa-Najjar. Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates the race for California’s 50th District as Likely Republican.
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