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Nation: DCCC Ended August With $54M On Hand

House Democrats continued their fundraising run in August, narrowly outraising House GOPers and adding to their almost 4-1 cash advantage with two months to go until Election Day.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raised $5.1 million in August and spent $7.6 million, ending the month with roughly $54 million on hand. The committee’s most recent Federal Election Commission filing reflects the DCCC’s increased spending on independent expenditures last month, part of an effort to boost the party’s candidates around the country.

As of the beginning of this week, the DCCC had spent $550,000 in the open seat race in Rep. Jerry Weller’s (R) central Illinois district and $383,000 defending endangered Rep. Nick Lampson’s (D-Texas) Houston-area seat held by former Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas).

The National Republican Congressional Committee brought in $3.4 million during the month, spending roughly the same amount as it raised and ending the period with $14.4 million in the bank. Checks from individuals made up the bulk of contributions to the NRCC in August, as contributions from GOP Members and political action committees dropped off dramatically and made up just one-quarter of the committee’s overall take — a stark contrast to the previous month.

In July, the NRCC outraised the DCCC, raising $9.2 million overall, primarily from Republican lawmakers, who continue to feel the heat from party leaders to shore up the committee’s cash-on-hand disparity this cycle.

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