Ward Declines to Say She’d Support GOP Rival McSally in AZ Senate Race
Both are running in GOP primary for Sen. Jeff Flake’s open seat

Arizona Senate candidate Kelli Ward declined to say whether she would endorse Rep. Martha McSally if the latter wins the state’s Republican primary.
In an interview on CNN, Ward said McSally “isn’t a conservative” when asked if she would support McSally after the primary.
“It would seem pretty disingenuous of me to be campaigning in a primary, stating that I am the one who has the principles, who shares the values of faith, family and freedom with the people of Arizona and then to hypocritically go in and say that my opponent is the be-all, end-all, and because she has an R behind her name we should get behind her,” Ward said.
McSally and Ward are running for the Republican nomination along with former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to replace outgoing Sen. Jeff Flake.
When asked further about whether she would back McSally, Ward said that candidates running should “actually be Republican.”
“They can’t be a clone of Jeff Flake and John McCain, who have disappointed our state and our country for far too long, and Martha is cut from the same cloth,” Ward said.
Ward challenged McCain in 2016 in the Republican primary but lost. She initially staged a primary challenge against Flake before he announced his retirement.
Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales rates Arizona’s Senate race Toss-up.
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